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Day 23 of Our Chakras Cleanse

Good morning!

Welcome to Day 23 of our Chakra Cleanse. Today we are working on our Third Eye Chakra.

The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra is the center of intuition and foresight. The function of the third eye chakra is driven by the principle of openness and imagination. Once the third eye chakra is in harmony with the rest of the chakras, it is said that a doorway towards spiritual enlightenment is opened.

Sustaining awareness of Third Eye Chakra energy requires focus and the ability to relax into a different way of seeing the world. When we focus our mind and consciousness, we can see beyond the distractions and illusions that stand before us and we will have more insight to live more deeply and become aligned with our highest good.

When we have balance Third Eye Chakra, we are calm, self-aware, and possess foresight. We are not controlled or limited by the mind. We will be more insightful and understanding of ourselves, other people, and life in general. We will also find it easier to be objective and life will take on a more vibrant quality which will help us to be more creative.

An unbalanced Third Eye Chakra we find that we become overly logical, overly emotional or absorbed by the details and struggle to see the “bigger picture”.

Each of us have 7 Chakras and when balanced they work together to create an optimal life. If you would like to know more, here’s the info on the Daily Guide and What Are CHAKRAS.

If you would like to join me in cleaning my chakras, I would love it!

Yesterday's exercises -

Explore limiting beliefs, check! I explored all of my limiting beliefs.

Purple food, check! I incorporated purple grapes into my meals.

Meditation, check! I meditated to binaural beats.

Yoga - Wide leg forward bend, check! This felt good.

Affirmation, check! I repeated “I see with clarity.”

I am feeling incredible so let’s do this!

Today we are going to focus on analyzing our dreams.

Dreaming is the communication between our conscious mind and our unconscious mind, helping us create wholeness. Dreams let us understand and evaluate our painful or puzzling emotions or experiences in a safe place. So analyzing your dreams helps us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and teaches us how to grow and be stronger.

The majority of our dreams occur during our REM or Rapid Eye Movement, stage. Dream dictionaries give us insight and help us dig up what’s hidden behind the symbols of the dream. Interpreting dreams takes being open minded and keeping a dream journal to record all the symbol that appear in our dream.

Understanding our dreams can gives us a different perspective on how to tackle life’s obstacles. Dreams have the ability to cut right to the chase by using symbols. It's very possible that recurring dreams happen due to an ongoing problem that we keep ignoring in our waking life. We have access to vital information that is not readily available to us when we’re awake. By analyzing our dreams, we will gain increased knowledge, self-awareness and self-healing as we analyze our dreams.

1. Analyze dreams

  • Record the dream - Taking notes, even a few sentences draws the content of the unconscious out into our conscious world.

  • Write down everything we remember about the dream - animals, buildings, people, words, etc. Look the symbols up in the dream dictionary and see how could relate to what we’re dealing with in our life.

  • Identify our feelings in the dream - Was I scared, angry, happy, etc.? Do I still feel those feelings now?

  • Identify recurring thoughts in our dreams and daily life - “I am scared.” Or “I’m not going to make it.” Do I had these thoughts throughout the day? If so, in what situations have we had these thoughts? Now how do we deal with it now that we know it needs to be resolved.

We still want to use meditation, yoga pose, food and an affirmation because this awakens and strengthens our chakra. We need all the help that we can get.

2. Meditation:

Here’s an app for Insight Timer Meditation

Here is the YouTube video for Binaural beats to use with earphones.

Meditate for as long as you would like and it's even better if you are out in nature feeling the grass and trees around to ground you.

Close your eyes and feel the earth beneath you. Inhale taking in fresh nourishing energy, exhale releasing all of the things that no longer serve you or help you move forward.

Sit with your shoulders back and your spine straight. Try to relax all your muscles as you close your eyes and breathe deeply. Inhale through the nose, pulling the breath as far down into your body as you can, and exhale through the mouth.

Chant AUM while meditating


Focus a purple, warm healing, light coming from the middle of our forehead.

3. Food: Purple

For a healthy Third Eye Chakra eat prunes, dates, blackberries, figs, raisins, eggplant, purple cabbage, purple kale, purple carrots, and purple potatoes.

4. Yoga pose: Dolphin Pose

Dolphin Pose is similar to Doward Dog by less stress on the wrists. Dolphin Pose is said to relieve headaches, insomnia, fatigue. It improves memory and concentration while relieving stress and anxiety.

If you have any medical concerns, talk with your doctor before practicing yoga.

  1. We begin on our hands and knees. Align the wrists directly under the shoulders, and knees directly under the hips.

  2. We lower our elbows to the floor directly beneath our shoulders. Keep the forearms parallel to each other.

  3. We tuck our toes and lift our knees off the floor. Pull the pelvis up toward the ceiling. Keeping our knees bent as we lengthen our spine and broaden across our shoulder blades.

  4. Then, gently begin to straighten the legs. Bring the torso and legs into the shape of an "A." Do not walk your feet closer to your hands, just keep the extension of our whole body. If our upper back begins to round, we will bend our knees again until your spine is straight.

  5. Hold for 5 breaths.

  6. To release, exhale as we gently bend our knees and come back to the floor.

5. Affirmation: “I trust myself .”

When you state an affirmation you are stating a truth. Affirmations are sentences aimed to affect the conscious and the subconscious mind. The words composing the affirmation, automatically and involuntarily, bring up related mental images into the mind, which could inspire, energize and motivate.

Repeat all day long and if you look in the mirror while stating this, even better!

Broken To Blissful Diary

What did you accomplish today to make your life better?



What are you feeling right now? This is just for your heart and soul.



Let me know if you have any questions

Daily Guide


© 2019 Jacqui Sullivan

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