Good afternoon!
Welcome to Day 21 of our Chakra Cleanse. Today we are working on our Third Eye Chakra.
The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra is the center of intuition and foresight. The function of the third eye chakra is driven by the principle of openness and imagination. Once the third eye chakra is in harmony with the rest of the chakras, it is said that a doorway towards spiritual enlightenment is opened.
Sustaining awareness of Third Eye Chakra energy requires focus and the ability to relax into a different way of seeing the world. When we focus our mind and consciousness, we can see beyond the distractions and illusions that stand before us and we will have more insight to live more deeply and become aligned with our highest good.
When we have balance Third Eye Chakra, we are calm, self-aware, and possess foresight. We are not controlled or limited by the mind. We will be more insightful and understanding of ourselves, other people, and life in general. We will also find it easier to be objective and life will take on a more vibrant quality which will help us to be more creative.
An unbalanced Third Eye Chakra we find that we become overly logical, overly emotional or absorbed by the details and struggle to see the “bigger picture”.
Each of us have 7 Chakras and when balanced they work together to create an optimal life. If you would like to know more, here’s the info on the Daily Guide and What Are CHAKRAS.
If you would like to join me in cleaning my chakras, I would love it!
Yesterday's exercises -
Clean pineal gland, check! I drank pure water with lemon juice, chlorella, spirulina and watch the activating youtube video..
Purple food, check! I incorporated purple grapes into my meals.
Meditation, check! I meditated to binaural beats.
Yoga - Wide leg forward bend, check! This felt good.
Affirmation, check! I repeated “ I trust my intuition.”
I am feeling incredible so let’s do this!
Today we are going to focus on exploring our limited beliefs.
We all have certain beliefs in our mind that hold us back from living our fullest life. Beliefs about money, career, romantic love and these are called limiting beliefs.
Let’s imagine that ready to go and full of energy, but we can still feel something holding us back so we look around to find that we are chained or anchored to a heavy object. We’re stuck. That is what our limiting beliefs are, anchors and chains that we have around us.
Limiting beliefs are thoughts such as: “I’m not good enough”, “I don’t deserve that level of happiness”, or “I could never date a person like that”, “I’m too fat, skinny, tall, short, quiet, talkative, etc”.
Limiting beliefs are installed in our minds by our family, friends, media, or our social environment. It is 100% not our fault that these beliefs exist in our mind, but it is 100% our responsibility to remove them.
1. Remove limiting beliefs.
Name the limiting belief as soon as we feel it. So throughout the day when I feel like I’m being held back I will name my limiting beliefs
“I feel like I’m overweight”
“I feel like I’m not good enough”.
2. Face our limiting beliefs. Once we feel a limiting belief and name it, let’s deal with it. Write down 3 reasons we feel this way.
“I feel like I’m overweight because I was once super skinny and I looked and felt great and now I’m bigger because of my thyroid.”
I feel like I’m overweight because all the actresses on TV and screen and super skinny and I think I should be too.”
“I think I’m overweight because I eat right and exercise but I see other women that are skinnier than me and I think I should look like them.”
3. Disproving our limiting beliefs. Name 3 points of evidence to the contrary.
“My clothes are loose on me.”
“My boyfriend thinks I’m sexy.”
“I get asked out every time we’re at a marina.”
4. Replace it with a 3 new empowering beliefs.
“I will continue to be healthy and I look good.”
“My bone structure is larger than most women so of course I’m going to be larger but I have gorgeous curves.”
“My boyfriend is always holding me tight so I obviously look great.”
5. Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Each time a limiting belief pops up especially the deeply rooted beliefs.
We also need to be on the lookout for new limiting beliefs that are put on us by others. We need to have a little skepticism towards any advice that is given to us. It is too easy to go with the flow in life and agree with what everyone else collectively thinks is “the right way” to do things. But this is most often not the best thing to do for for our growth. When we hear people say “that’s the way things are…”, “you should…”, or “the only way to…”, then we need to recognize that this is a limiting belief that is being put on us. We will learn to recognize these statements for what they are… someone putting their limiting belief on us.
We still want to use meditation, yoga pose, food and an affirmation because this awakens and strengthens our chakra. We need all the help that we can get.
2. Meditation:
Here’s an app for Insight Timer Meditation
Here is the YouTube video for Binaural beats to use with earphones.
Meditate for as long as you would like and it's even better if you are out in nature feeling the grass and trees around to ground you.
Close your eyes and feel the earth beneath you. Inhale taking in fresh nourishing energy, exhale releasing all of the things that no longer serve you or help you move forward.
Sit with your shoulders back and your spine straight. Try to relax all your muscles as you close your eyes and breathe deeply. Inhale through the nose, pulling the breath as far down into your body as you can, and exhale through the mouth.
Chant AUM while meditating
Focus a purple, warm healing, light coming from the middle of our forehead.
3. Food: Purple
For a healthy Third Eye Chakra eat prunes, dates, blackberries, figs, raisins, eggplant, purple cabbage, purple kale, purple carrots, and purple potatoes.
4. Yoga pose: Forward Fold Twist Pose

The Forward Fold Twist Pose creates a calmer mind, relieves stress and anxiety. Twisting the torso also massages the organs of the abdomen, including the liver, kidneys, and spleen. This cleanses and tones the organs, improving their ability to release toxins. It also helps to improve and regulate digestion and metabolism.
If you have any medical concerns, talk with your doctor before practicing yoga.
We begin by bending our knees, hinge at our hips, and fold forward.
We place our left hand or fingertips on the floor or a block if that is more comfortable. Our hand is between and in front of both feet so that our wrist is under our shoulder.
Bend the left knee and extend the right leg.
Inhale and reach our right arm straight up to the ceiling, opening our chest as we do it.
Exhale to twist more deeply, keeping the collarbones broad. The spine is more extended than rounded here to allow for greater chest and shoulder opening.
We direct our gaze up to the sky if we are able to and if it feels comfortable for our neck. Otherwise continue to look down.
Stay for five breaths and then lower your right arm and switch sides.
5. Affirmation: “I see with clarity .”

When you state an affirmation you are stating a truth. Affirmations are sentences aimed to affect the conscious and the subconscious mind. The words composing the affirmation, automatically and involuntarily, bring up related mental images into the mind, which could inspire, energize and motivate.
Repeat all day long and if you look in the mirror while stating this, even better!
Broken To Blissful Diary
What did you accomplish today to make your life better?
What are you feeling right now? This is just for your heart and soul.
Let me know if you have any questions
Daily Guide