Hi there! Jacqui and Mike here!
We are a couple of love birds that found a new way to live our lives. We live a life of freedom and have the ability to choose when and how we want to do something, without being restricted by a schedule. This means we can work whenever and wherever we want.
What changed?
We went to a real estate seminar in Atlanta, Georgia and our lives were changed forever. In fact, on the way to day two of the Lifeonaire seminar, we sold one of our cars and shared one car for four years to pay off bills. Now we are debt free, perpetually traveling for the last six years, and living a life of our dreams.
We made a four year plan and stayed with it - no matter what. We paid off all the bills and sold what we didn't need. Now we have a simplistic lifestyle that allows us to travel as much as we want. Mike is a consultant and I'm a Blogger and Pomifera Partner., with two books published on Amazon and my own Property Management School. That's how we make money.
We've had so much fun on our Awesome Adventures exploring all around our world.
Sailing Catamaran, YINSANITY.
Road Trippin with BB.
Panama Paradise Condo Bella Vista
We love Holidays with family and friends.
Want to live the Life of your Dreams?
Explore some of our favorite books that completely changed our lives.
Maybe not completely ready for a change but ready for adventure, check out these great ways to start traveling today.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you for being a part of our adventures, we appreciate you so much!
If you feel like you've received value from us and want to show your support, we would love, love, love that.
Comment on our social media stories.
Share our stories with friends and family that love traveling, looking for happiness, or want a life of freedom.
Purchase Pomifera skincare, as this is one stream of income.
Order my book that I'm so proud of - Broken To Blissful.
We love tips and they are always appreciated!
Thanks for following our journey and happy travels. We are all explorers in motion.
Jacqui and Mike