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Hi Jacqui here, thanks for visiting. 

You guys know that this is the way that I journal, I like to help others while I'm helping myself.  So, I have been doing some major healing lately and I'm ready to share. I have been through so much in my life. I don't think that I've really ever stopped to think about it because I just keep going and moving forward. Compared to other's experiences, mine are not that bad. However with this approach, I didn't realize that I was pushing my emotions down to be stored until they could  later be released. Well, I never stopped to fully release them and oh my, my emotions did a doozie on me. With that said, I think that it's time to analyze my life, do some serious healing, and work through these emotions and release them. If any of this resonates with you, please use whatever you like, and I hope it helps.

These are the books that are healping me so much with healing the trauma in my life. I had no clue that the little things that were said and done to the giant life changing events would have a deep empact and cause havoc with my personality, my health, and my peace of mind. I fell in love with these books so much that I partnered with Amazon and I get paid for any qualifying purchases.


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I had a great deal of Acute Trauma


With acute trauma, even if it was just one event, the experience was so overwhelming that it left the nervous system stuck in a threat response. Being in a constant state of alarm can cause several health problems such as anxiety, heart disorders, and cancer.

Common symptoms of acute trauma can include:

  • Irritability

  • Anxiety

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Flashbacks

  • Avoidance

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Nightmares

  • Intrusive memories


I have learned so much about myself and about healing, but there is so much more for me to learn in order to heal myself wholely with my Mind, Body, Spirit, Relationships, and Financial. Below are the five areas that I am focusing on and I share all that I find. Please feel free to explore and I'm here to help if you have any questions.


© 2019 Jacqui Sullivan

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